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Budget motoring 2.9 XR4x4

Started by Taps, December 04, 2005, 19:51:30

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Copied from old BB


well heres me latest vehicle, was dirt cheap (under £100) cos it needed some minor repairs  :eek: but the shell is clean as a whistle and it came with delocked doors, and alram and imobiliser and some tax and test.

spent a few days laying under it on the drive in the freezing cold but now its done i'm well happy with it, got investigate a vibe through the steering wheel and it clonks through pot holes, but that cant be anything too serious to fix.

had to replace the gearbox, front prop, exhaust downpipe, clutch and clutch cable, cos the owner ignored the noises coming from his front prop so the UJ gave up at 80mph and broke some stuff.

I'v robbed those bits off my P100 project for now so i have some sensible 4x4 transport for over the winter. pics of the damged parts here.


Posts: 379
Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 11:07   IP            
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gez popup.. thats unlucky but still a good car to own!
got any pictures of the prop?


Newbie Member

Posts: 21
Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 12:22   IP            
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Ouch, did the UJ do all that?

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Posts: 174
Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 12:30   IP            
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The shell looks good. Bargain I would say even if it needs a new box.

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Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 12:32   IP            
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body work looks well tidt tho mate. Good buy you had there

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Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 14:03   IP            
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paint is better than it looks in the pics, it was still dirty then from having greasy hands all over it while i was fixing it! it is actually all the same colour white!

maddoldbugger wrote:
gez popup.. thats unlucky but still a good car to own!
got any pictures of the prop?

only bit of the prop i have is the busted half of the UJ that was bolted to the front diff still, the rest of it was missing when i got the car so i guess it either fell out the box after flailing around and destroying stuff, or it was taken out when the car was recovered.

As an aside, the front prop i have put in it has little screwed in plugs in the UJ's they look like i could take em out and screw a grease nipple in to grease em up, that sound likely?  


Posts: 247
Registered: Nov 2005  Posted 20th November 2005 14:56   IP            
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popuptoaster wrote:
.As an aside, the front prop i have put in it has little screwed in plugs in the UJ's they look like i could take em out and screw a grease nipple in to grease em up, that sound likely?

Yes m8, there are 2 types 1 has not grease hole the other like you have you can take the bunge out screw in a grease nipple and grease the joint then remove it and put the bunge back in

Car looks good

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