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Granada MK II - 4.1litre 24v BOB

Started by Tobbelainnen, July 04, 2007, 22:56:27

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The ones Cosworth have started doing look exactly like the STD BOB ones.
I am guessing that they may have modded STD ones like what I have been told to do but not sure!

They flow about 400cc & are about 45 pounds each.


O.K I have modded a injector to see if it's possible & it looks like it is.
So you can try this if you want

You can see the mod here, I am guessing that they should now be 400cc injectors but with out getting them tested I have not got a clue really. May be as high as 550cc.
Also the spray pattern would be questionable but they will defo flow more & this is a widly used mod for side feed injectors so yes it works.

The modded one is the single holed one.



Dave, this looks very interesting! What did you do to it? Could you set up a testbench to see if it really worked, then you could also roughly calculate the flow rate by comparing it to the flow of a known (unmodded) injector.


Dave, did you just replace the"nozzle" with one from a bigger injector or what did you do?  This could be the solution for me....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


I will test one to see what it flows.  
I can't do it exact, just a timed full on squirt to give an idea compared to a std one.

It's easy, takes 5 mins once you manage to remove the things & costs nothing.
Most side feed injectors have a restricter welded on the bottom of them.
That limits the flow to what ever.
Note not all of them are like this.

Remove the restrictor & the injector flows max possible.

Them 370cc Nissan ones flow 550cc with the same mod for example.

It's an old Scooby tuners trick  


Just tested them.
Std injector flows 100ml in 30 secs.
Modified flows 300ml in 30 secs.

Err a bit too much  
Will be about 600cc injectors @ std BOB rail pressure.

But the spray pattern is spot on  However instead of two spray's like STD you only have one.

If the injectors match I may be able to use these on my engine.
I may send a set off for proper testing.

Tobbe see if your bro can enlarge the 2 holes abit, it is possible.


Dont the BOA injectors also have single spray pattern? I think its a very small issue. 600cc injector for a 500cc cylinder might be a bit tricky to tune for idle, but not impossible..

upps, Tobbe has more volume than 500cc per cylinder.. I think it would work for him


I think the next step would be to enlarge the 2 holes.
Then check them to see what they flow.
That cover with the 2 holes in it restricts the flow so in thery any CC between 200-600cc is possible!
Of course it needs to be precise work  

Might have a play about with this


how complicated are a injector? Does anyone got any pics of all the parts inside it?


I did fit the 24v sump onto the block today, a few tapped holes and some clamps and lots of grinding solved it........ Now I don't got a clearance problem in the car and I also get a good oilreturn for the cylinderheads.....  

[attachment=1] [attachment=2]

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements




Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


The paint job will be done next week......

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


He he he, looks like perfect idea to me  


Surely you can find a more practical phone holder.


capri v8 driver

Quote from: TwinTurbo
Surely you can find a more practical phone holder.


i am willing to trade your impractical phoneholder for a more pratical phone holder  

greetz paul.

capri v8 driver.
greetz Paul.

Capri V8 Driver.


I skipped the turbo thing..... I don't got the time or money to finsih it this year with a turbo. I've fitted my 3-1 headers instead..... Just got some minor things to fix before start up...

This is what it looks like today:

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


nice one man.
any photos regarding 3-1 headers - or numbers ? I have already some numbers for BOA with BOB cams but still I am thinking on the cam overlap on BOB cams and timing with SMT6(fuel management).


Here is a picture of the rhs header..... It is way too big.... It should be 42mm, but is 50.8mm. It is a real mess to fit in the car, and the lhs is even worse to fit, last time I removed the brake servo and the master cylinder, it saved me lots of time, and I also removed the battery carriage.....  I used some formulas to calculate the primaries diameter and length, and then I got pipebends closest to this, and the length actually got to be the one that was possible to fit in the car... But if you do the math, you will find that the 8.8mm bigger diameter actually makes the primaries 46% too big.... Will be making new ones in the future....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Took the car out for a short test drive the other day   BUT still there is much work left with sorting the fuel and advance tables   The new clutch works really well, a bit tricky since I am not used to it yet.  Should be interresting to see how she runs once she is all tuned in.. I hope I get there soon  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


I think I blew a bigend... I accidently reved it way past 6000rpm in second gear, and after this it sounds like a bigend is gone, but not quite. Feck, everything was running so nicely, and I had the engine running much quiter then last year...

Getting sick and tired of this engine now..... I'm going to strip her down and have a look at what's failed before I decide what to do......      Maybe I go the 2.9 route instead....  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Hmm, 1/3 of the dipstick is gone, it has ben ripped of in the springy thing, I guess it is twisted somewhere around the crank... I feel a bit stupid for not checking the dipstick clearance when I fitted the 24v sump, it never crossed my mind   The dip stick is on the same side where the block is wider then the sump....  I will inspect the damages next week and I hope I will have her up and running again pretty soon...

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Ahh thats bad luck fella, hope theres not too much damage inside


No 4 big end is kaputski.... I guess it won't be running in a long time. This is the 2nd time I got some major problems with it..... I think I will go the 2.9 12v route now for a while..........

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Thats a shame pal - you came bloody close to making that work  

btw - what is that colour??? it looks a bit like Modena green for tone/darkness but it looks metalic? nice


The repairs have began....... It was a piston pin failure on No 4.... I assumed it was the bigend due to investigations through the spark plug hole..... A strange thing is that the damages is very small so I can still use the piston and the connecting rod, did some checks with a stock 4.0 piston pin and it all looks OK, the play is normal...... So I will just replace all six pins and then start her up again....... And I also found the lost dipstick, doesn't look like it had done any damages..

I hadn't expected a pin failure, they have been machined and harden by my brother, there were tests done to them, and we couldn't destroy the ones we tested. But this pin breaks quite easy with a good blew with the old grandma hammer. I wonder if there have been a mixup with the materal on the shelf, i.e. some steel bars was 4340 and some wasn't?!! Gonne do some test on the other 5 pins, so I can tell if it is as I aspect or if it is the hardening that is the issue.... But for now I will go with stock pins, just in case

Quote from: Janspeedcapri
Thats a shame pal - you came bloody close to making that work  

btw - what is that colour??? it looks a bit like Modena green for tone/darkness but it looks metalic? nice

I don't know the name of the colour, the lhs front door and wing have been repainted, but it is not the same colour, couldn't find the correct one.  It is metallic, and it is the one it had when it left the factory.......
Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Just a few pictures of the piston assembly....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements

capri v8 driver

a piston pin failure, thats not something you see every day. except for 2 stroke engine's, i have never seen it happen on a 4 stroke engine.

greetz paul.

capri v8 driver.
greetz Paul.

Capri V8 Driver.


yeah, awsome    one for the Fordpower black museum  

btw - excellent thread  

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