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Granada MK II - 4.1litre 24v BOB

Started by Tobbelainnen, July 04, 2007, 22:56:27

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I was wrong, the 4.0 pin won't work  Feck..  I need new pins, and a new bushing for the rod.....
Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Not the end of the world is it? stick at it - it will be the best cologne in the world when its done  


Here is the new plan:

The 4.1 will be repaired, but it will take me some timeÃ,,æ

Meanwhile, the car will be powered by a N/A 2.9 12v, fitted with BOB pistons and a 2.8 crank. This engine is already built, but I need to find a set of stock exhaust manifolds for it.

The engine will be controlled by MS, I think this is a good idea, since then I can get more experience on mapping, and that is something both the engines and I need  

And if it is possible to fit the 24v pulleys, PAS, alternator, then I can easily install the edis system on it, then I just need to fit a VR-sensor and replace the TPS connector, then I can use my MS loom that already is installed in the car.... Minimum amount of work, I hopeÃ,,æ

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


love the optimism and enthusiam and perseverance.

Tobbe you are an inspiration to us all.



totaly    I don't realy understand all the technical stuff but its bloody impressive  


oh aye most of it is bla bla bla to me too fella, but i'm trying to learn like!

one day we'll know what we're doing...

one day...



I havn't built this engine alone, my brother have been a very important person, it is he that have done the machining and he have also made all the drawings for the machined bits, so without him I couldn't have got this far.  And there are also forum members that helped me with supplying 24v parts and some US racing parts.

Without the research done by Dave and Jean Pierre, I never would have thought of trying...

I've added a link to a short movie in my signature, it's not much, and the car doesn't perform very well, and neither is the VIS connected yet. I was starting mapping with it dissconnected so I wouldn't be into any surprises. I have this problem with the power going down after appr 4000rpm, my fault, poor mapping, and aslo the ignition table haven't been worked upon..  It takes time to learn, after all I am a newbie with tuning engine managements.  
Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements




I've added a link to a short movie in my signature, it's not much, and the car doesn't perform very well, and neither is the VIS connected yet. I was starting mapping with it dissconnected so I wouldn't be into any surprises. I have this problem with the power going down after appr 4000rpm, my fault, poor mapping, and aslo the ignition table haven't been worked upon.. It takes time to learn, after all I am a newbie with tuning engine managements.

Fair play to you mate, i'm shittting starting this mapping thing. Hat off. i don't think it happens over night either.

keep at it



yeah - I'm stressing about setting up me Microdynamics turbo ignition management...and its only got 2 turny things  


set them to maximum and snap the knobs off.    


Spent almost the entire Thursday in the garage... Did pull the 2.9 12v out of the car it was in, replaced the 2.8 crank for a 2.9 crank. Couldn't line up the crank pulley with the other 24v pulleys. 24v sprocket is 18 cogs, 12v is 19cogs, it's shame that I couldn't use the 24v one, then the pulleys would have lined up perfectly..  So at the moment I don't got any ignition I can control, like that would make a differ   So I've decided to put me old 2.9 24v BOB back together and use that one. I think that will be the option with less work....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Picked up a 4.0 bottom end today   If I just could get some time to spend in the garage, the engine could be up and running pretty soon.....  Going to use stock pistons and rods   Hope this one will work better

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


no point messing if stock will do the job i say.

you've learnt loads from the passed atempt(s) its not like there is a haynes manual on this is there! (not like it would be right if there was)

Good luck mate, i tripped over some of your posts on Explorer.com (or similar) interesting to get their point of view of the engine, (from a 4.0L point of view rather than our 24v point of view)

Post the link to the thread i'm sure other would be interested also.



Finally I got a long day in the garage, the engine is in the car, the headers are fitted, just need to fit the radiator hoses and the inlet and fill her up and then have a go   So next garage day I'll be going for a test drive, but I will put the rpm limit to 5000rpm, to begin with  I'll go really easy so I get some time to learn mapping before she blows  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Started her up tonight   Did a compression test, 18bars   My happiness didn't last for long, just got the car out of the garage to discover a big oil leak, I've spent several hours to find out what the problem is but I cannot pin point the leak.... I need to remove the headers on the rhs side so I can get a good look, a mirror wasn't good enough... This engine feels more alive then the old one
Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


I am getting the heads off   The oil leak is between the block and the head. Going to use another sealant, this one will not allow the "gasket" to come off in an useable condition when the heads are removed... I guess if it won't work this time I need to contact ferraday for some custom gaskets, and I am also running low on fire rings, just 9 new one left.

I hope to get this car out on the road before the snow comes. But I got M&S with rivets/spikes in for it   But I doubt I could keep it on the road for very long, If the tires lose traction on dry asphalt when gearing down from third into second if you don't keep the revs up, I guess it won't be so wise to drive it when it is slippery outside....  I need to change the diff  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements

shaun 42

pic please i would love to see the beast,


Have started to use the car to get to work   Fuelconsumption?!, hmm lots of it   Runs pretty nice, but still there is lots of work that needs to be done to the sparktable....  Basically the car only needs 2 gears, one to go forward and one for backwards   It's bloody strong...

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements

shaun 42

hi m8 here is a vid on youtube the outher week i did enjoy ,we made the most of the day in the rain and fluds lol.see what you think . mie is the black n silver mk 4 estate


Quote from: shaun 42
hi m8 here is a vid on youtube the outher week i did enjoy ,we made the most of the day in the rain and fluds lol.see what you think . mie is the black n silver mk 4 estate

Nice cars, but why did you choose to have the event in a swamp   Shame you had such a bad luck with the weather....

I'll try to get some pictures of mine later, my camera have start to mess with the auto focus, might be oil on the lens or something  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


I am selling the car.... I really don't like it, so I've decided to put the car back to standard and sell it and find something else for the engine. I will be looking for a granada mkIII (scorpio) or a sierra...

Did some highspeeds test last night and that scared the shite out of me, the car has to go, I won't spend the money needed to get it improved, and also it is a bit too nosiy for me, and also the colour is all wrong so everybody turn their heads when I come, soon the local police will notice me  .... But the engine ran nice and pulled very well though  

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Tobbe that's a real shame.  

At least you can say you built it & made it work  

Pity you can't get it on the rollers before you let it go.

This engine would really shine in a Sierra 4x4, would be easier to control the torque  

Well done Tobbe for building it.



The 4x4 is quite expensive overhere, I have never looked at one under the bonnet, but a question that pops up in my head is, is there enough clearance for the drive shaft that goes through the sump? If there is, a 4x4 might be an option, if it could be found for the right price  

Been looking at a 94 granada, fully laden with the extras, but it is a 2.0, and the engine is kaputski, but that doesn't matter much, but the car is almost 500km away   But it says that there is no rust on it  It have 400 000km on the clock, but that doesn't matter if there is no rust   I got a spare 2.9 granada for spares so I can cheaply replace a few bits..  I think that car could do OK as a highway cruiser   I'll have a look around and see what I can come up with.... What I really don't want is an object that needs a paint work....

Maybe I can do a dynorun once it is all tuned in to satisfaction, I won't start to put he 2.0 pinto back in until it gets ice on the roads, there is a place 5 min away from me that does dynotestings... But my rpm limit is 5200, and it will stay there for sometime... But still the max torque will be there, and it will aslo show if it is still picking up power... I have blown one 4.0 and I am not going to do it again, atleast not in such a short time  I think it is Counts turn next time  

Cannot keep the old car if ya not in love with it   My GF is going to be happy, she really hated it. LOL

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


I am pretty sure someone has already fitted a 4wd sump to the 4.0L  

There is more clearence on a 4wd sump than a 2wd 24V one.

Not overall but in the right places if you know what I mean.

You have to grind out bits of the STD pan for the 4.0L crank to turn in a 2.9 block.

Where as you don't with a 4wd sump.

Actually didn't read you last post very well as I thought you was also getting rid of the 4.0L engine as well!

Well the later Scorps must be at the top of your list as you can say the engine is STD then.

But a Sierra is gonna be lighter & way more fun.


This took a strange turn....... The misses sad I couldn't sell the car, it was a classic.... And she also said she liked it, it was the other mk ii I had she hated  

So I guess the car stays... SO, I will be getting new wheels for it during this winter, 225/45/17 on the front and 245/45/17 on the rear, with an offset of 40 it should fit stright away..... I still got the rear end of the old sport injection left, which I am going modify so it will accept a mk III diff, and I also got a set of new shockers and stronger springs.... So with this I hope to get a little more safe car, without spending to much money...

I am getting pretty close now to be finished with the fuel table, I've also got decent accel enrichments, so it runs pretty nice now..... It is strange thing mapping, you never get finish?!


Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Been freezing cold in my shed for a few months now, but I have managed to get a few things done.... A cheap brake conversion... Yes I know, the calibers are small...  I've aslo got a crank for the broken bottom end, and that one is being rebuilt, 6" rods, home made pistons and home made pins, again   Learning by trial and error, anyhow, the deck will be raised with a 5mm spacer to make it possible to have a big bowl in the piston and still having a good squish by letting the piston run close to the head, also the piston clearance is going to be tighter and the piston squirt is going to be taller and the piston design will look very close to stock 24v pistons.  And there will also be few other changes to the engine.....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements

Remko GT

QuoteI still got the rear end of the old sport injection left, which I am going modify so it will accept a mk III diff
When you get around doing this, do show piccies. My m8 is planning on more or less the same mod for his mkI Consul (Granada)
It appears there is a LSD available for the mkI Granny but rare as hen's teeth doesn't quite describe how rare. Is the rear suspension on the mkII the same as a mkI?


Quote from: Remko GT
QuoteI still got the rear end of the old sport injection left, which I am going modify so it will accept a mk III diff
When you get around doing this, do show piccies. My m8 is planning on more or less the same mod for his mkI Consul (Granada)
It appears there is a LSD available for the mkI Granny but rare as hen's teeth doesn't quite describe how rare. Is the rear suspension on the mkII the same as a mkI?

I throw the rear end away so I have built the stuff without it, but MK I got the same rear as the MK II. I made a jig with a MK II diff, and then welded an adaptor for the MK III diff so it will fit, I haven't mounted it onto the car yet so I am not 100% sure the prop shaft interfere with the rear beam, but it doesn't look like it will. Unfortunaly I don't got a LSD, just a normal diff. So I won't fit a mk III diff before I find a LSD one.....


Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements


Started her up today, been standing still for sometime now, too much snow outside, spring is 1 or 2 month away....

Anyway, some engine noise    

Click to get some  http://www.garaget.org/video/9xn6j9ogq8hr]Music%20for%20the%20ears.....

Quality Specialist - Technical Analysis and Product Improvements

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