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3 door 4x4 24v BOA Cosworth

Started by Simon 3 door, October 28, 2007, 20:19:15

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Quote from: Simon 3 door
Concerns me to think he was sharing a bed with Barry Thursday night      

"Depends if I can get him out of bed early for a change so his there before 10.30 the lazy git       "

If you had ever seen him in his shorts, fishnets and high heels you would understand      


Bloody hell!!
7 am and you on here
thought that was just an urban myth that there is a 7am
all spooky stuff in Saffron walden
( hope you was washing the MGF lol)

Simon 3 door

Quote from: fluff
Bloody hell!!
7 am and you on here
thought that was just an urban myth that there is a 7am
all spooky stuff in Saffron walden
( hope you was washing the MGF lol)

MGF?? Didn't know Taps was a master hair technician as well as a bloody good welder come project car builder extraordinare.....


Quote from: Simon 3 door
MGF?? Didn't know Taps was a master hair technician as well as a bloody good welder come project car builder extraordinare.....

You can never have to many skills   will bring me hair cutting kit with me Friday cos after watching you on that Vid you sure need a trim up      

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Taps
You can never have to many skills   will bring me hair cutting kit with me Friday cos after watching you on that Vid you sure need a trim up      

OK duckie - I'll bring that pink shirt & tie along - seems like you have a greater need for it than me  

Simon 3 door

Engine's all built back up with a new blade, new water pump, oil pump was free of an debris luckily so was re used, oil cooler removed for better clutch cable clearance. Barry put the engine back in this afternoon and the plan is to have it turning over on the starter tomorrow and wired to run at the weekend.


More piccies to follow tomorrow and Saturday night..... hopefully a video clip of her running with no exhaust!!


Quote from: Simon 3 door

Also fitted the Vectra injectors to the rail with a little dab of the slippery stuff to help (Baz said he'd used up all the KY on Fluff and something about him screaming "who's my biaaaaaaatch then?" so we used normal general purpose grease in tiny quantities)    

The bastard, he told me you had used it all and all the time he was two timing me for Fluff  


Simon 3 door

Quote from: Taps
The bastard, he told me you had used it all and all the time he was two timing me for Fluff  


LOL must be getting his own back for Owain being your new bitch????


Quote from: Simon 3 door
LOL must be getting his own back for Owain being your new bitch????

See his even got that wrong, Owain aint me bitch I just employ him to sit at me pond

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Taps
See his even got that wrong, Owain aint me bitch I just employ him to sit at me pond

That's quite characteristically politically incorrect of you Taps!!!!  


Quote from: Simon 3 door
That's quite characteristically politically incorrect of you Taps!!!!  

Well no one else would give someone that small a job, apart from the fact every interview his gone for his been stumped as soon as he got to the first door not being able to reach the door handle      


Is he short? i just thought he was always sitting down everytime i saw him???


oi why we dragging me in--
there am i simply reading a thread about a vauxhall powered 3 door and i am slammed - deep shock


Quote from: fluff
oi why we dragging me in--
there am i simply reading a thread about a vauxhall powered 3 door and i am slammed - deep shock

Your shocked, how ya think I feel  


well if he wants Ky - Ky it will be - in the oil filler cap lol

Simon 3 door

Quote from: fluff
well if he wants Ky - Ky it will be - in the oil filler cap lol

First signs of life from under the bonnet.....

Vehicle loom is all in - starting & charging system connected. Spun her over on the starter - once without plugs in to prime the oil pump etc. after filling the sump to capacity and lubing the cam lobes and the chain etc.


Then put the plugs in and we spun her over again....



OOER another breaks into life...
good lad

Simon 3 door

Quote from: fluff
OOER another breaks into life...
good lad

Hopefully won't have any snags with the fuel system etc. All fingers crossed for running tomorrow!!


Well, wheres the engine running vid then  

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Taps
Well, wheres the engine running vid then  

Got loads done today in amongst the piss taking that usually takes place at chez Bazza!

1) Loom had been stripped of insulation tape etc. by previous owner and was a jumbled mass of spaghetti - needed thinning down so out came the wire cutters to remove the non essential parts.
2) Loom hung from the rafters and taped up back to how Uncle Henry intended (minus the non essentials)
3) Got some spare wires left over from the essential plugs that were removed from other non essentials (one for the EDIS which I think may be the tacho - not checked yet but it's green, one from each lambda and one from the coil pack)
4) Coolant temp wire to connect into 4i loom next time I am there but it's there in the loom ready to go.
5) Loom installed into car using grommet from old 2.9 4be harness in the hole that the YB loom used on the 3 door before I got it. Loom has run neatly with the main vehicle loom along the framerails and around the front crossmember.

6) Mark painted the rocker covers - last coat went on at just after 6 as we were packing up. Not much to do now until we can fire her up.

7) Bazza fitted the tank, fuel lines and filter - just need to finalise a few clips and a bracket for the filter on the inner wing.


Ipswich here you come
and Mr Kipling will welcome you when you get there

Simon 3 door

Quote from: fluff
Ipswich here you come
and Mr Kipling will welcome you when you get there
according to the dyslexic printing machine at Leonard Brooks paints it's Carpi Blue (pmsl it's Capri blue)... Think New Holland tractor blue is a shade darker!

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Taps
Well, wheres the engine running vid then  

Hehehehehe.............. click and let the love wee-wee start to flow  



On the second clip, there's a few seconds of cranking where she doesn't fire - the temporary 12 volt feed for the coil and EDIS was not connected (running this though one of the immobiliser circuits on the alarm I'm fitting next few weeks).

A major milestone reached - followed my wiring principles - keep it simple, check twice connect once and fit things where the good Ford intended.



Cool Blog mate
that LOOM looks really good and even i can follow that so must be easy
you able to make them up for others as they seem quite good and watching you wirre it up it wwent really well

what would it cost to do cheers

Simon 3 door

Quote from: fluff
Cool Blog mate
that loom looks really good and even i can follow that so must be easy
you able to make them up for others as they seem quite good and watching you wire it up it went really well

what would it cost to do cheers
LOL now now you know it wasn't entirely painless you were forgetting the personal discomfort involved - may have looked easy but I still have the numbness whenever I sit down - yeah it went OK - just hurt my arse sitting in the footwell with the seat mount poking me up the jacksy.

Making the loom is easy - the harder part would be getting hold of the connectors. Handily the EEC connector is pretty standard as are the coil, EDIS, MAF, HEGO and TPS sensor plugs but they would have to be chopped out of old Mondeo looms etc. and re-wired. To cover the cost / wastage of a Mondeo loom and the materials and labour they would probably be quite expensive to make viable.

I recon if I made one from scratch about £200 or £100 if a loom was supplied but they are pretty thin on the ground now as Bazza's broken most of the BOA engined Granada's in the UK!!

Thing is the time factor - I've got a car to finish, a bathroom to fit, kitchen to organise - life's too complicated!!! Happy to help out a mate but as for a business venture? Let me get Ford Fair out the way first!! LOL.


Quote from: Simon 3 door
just hurt my arse sitting in the footwell with the seat mount poking me up the jacksy.

Didn't bazza lube it up for ya        

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Owain
Didn't bazza lube it up for ya      

LOL no he said you used up all the KY - even Fluff had to make do with a dry humping from Bazza.


Quote from: Simon 3 door
LOL no he said you used up all the KY - even Fluff had to make do with a dry humping from Bazza.

that be bazza using it when he's talking to taps on the phone


Quote from: Owain
Didn't bazza lube it up for ya      

He we go - Owain bringing it down to his level - someone pinched ya ladder then lol


Quote from: fluff
He we go - Owain bringing it down to his level - someone pinched ya ladder then lol

ladders still here mate, just air brushed out

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