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Bit of restoration on the 2000E

Started by Owain, February 16, 2008, 21:14:49

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I did ask taps if he was going to try this labour saving technique of glueing the replacement panels on, but he told me to fuckoff, and he couldn't use any of that prick stick stuff as he don't allow any pricks near the workshop at all


Just goes to show that even the cleanest looking cars can hide the rot.



And just after being painted too  


The crap they put on UK roads is terrible


There had been work done in that area by a so called Ford Dealer I understand, lets hide everything in tons of seam sealer merchants  


was a bit of a shock to find all that shite there, but at least i know that it won't be there for long


I'm shocked as it is a minter of a car...

good old Taps to the rescue though!


Part two  

Back to the paint shop it goes.


Thanks for the metal craftsmanship, the swearing, the piss taking and the rest of the usual service you get at taps' hanger, the car is recovering at home in the garage as it's black and blue at the moment, will be all painted up again by this time next week with any luck. Thanks for putting the pictures up rob, lets hope it don't need any more welding to be done soon eh

Simon 3 door

Quote from: Owain
Thanks for the metal craftsmanship, the swearing, the piss taking and the rest of the usual service you get at taps' hanger, the car is recovering at home in the garage as it's black and blue at the moment, will be all painted up again by this time next week with any luck. Thanks for putting the pictures up rob, lets hope it don't need any more welding to be done soon eh

Owain - in what way did Taps service you? Did the rubber gloves and grease you got from Bazza come in handy?    


Quote from: Simon 3 door
Owain - in what way did Taps service you? Did the rubber gloves and grease you got from Bazza come in handy?    

Taps only sorted the car, think he was gonna take the pair of weeksworth jonnies t some workshop rave in horndon on the hill so he could tickle his fancy with a bit of fluff    


And some more pictures



my god i look happy fpmsl, thanks for the pics simon


Good bit of photochop there Simes, getting rid of the ladder and extending his legs  


was it cold or was you all off to the slopes to play on the snow lol

fatboy billy

o, you look so serious or had you shite yaself? lol

good work as usual tapo


Quote from: fatboy billy
o, you look so serious or had you shite yaself? lol

good work as usual tapo

was dropping me guts    

fatboy billy

fair play, aint surprised after that burger i had in south essex earlier

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