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Frank4's P100 Project

Started by Taps, April 15, 2006, 20:45:08

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Heres tha Bad bits m8

Both Chassis rails under buck and part of rear cab floor

Near side front cross memeber mount, job to see bit the rusty bit is a hole

Off Side front cross member mount both sides

Off side inner wing

and floor corner

Near side inner wing

Will take the front wings off next week and really get to see how bad them inner wings etc are m8



Hi Rob,

Thanks for the pictures, not a pretty sight   But as you know I'm keen to save it as the rest of it is in good shape, (hope that doesn't sound as stupid as it reads   ) Hopefully you will still be able to do the work for me.

After you have a full assessment  of the work, time, cost etc. give me a call, if you don't have my number drop me a PM and I'll call you.

I'm also planning to post this as a project........hopefully.

many thanks


Yeah no problem Frank, will get the wings off next week then can really see whats what under there, wiil have the carpet out as well to find out how bad the bulk head in the corners and the floor are.


Right, here ya go Frank

Passengers side


Drivers side

Yes that is expandable foam in there

Middle of Bulk head

There are no repair panels for that lot, I will have to make them all, I have not priced it yet but to put all that right is not going to be cheap as theres hell of a lot of work in it. Think about it and if what you have seen makes you think thats just to much then let me know, will try to price it tomorrow.



Hi Rob,

That is ugly.....very ugly...

I'm keen to save the truck as there are not many left and any others out there are likely to be in just as bad shape. If the job is like your Sierra it will be well sound for many years. Please price it up and drop me a PM with costs or give me a call in an evening that suits you. Thanks for that.



great scot, thats ugly mate, semms a shame to waste the truck, but thats gonna really take rob some time  


Will be attacking it Monday  


Quote from: Taps
Will be attacking it Monday  

Many thanks to Rob, (Taps), for both starting this project thread and bailing me out with a seriously mammoth welding job the he has agreed to take on.  

This started with my Mk1 p100 which had a 2.3 carb engine , new wings and buck and a pretty fair paint job. It ran a cam in the summer of 2004, it then lay for a 12 months till I finally got my arse in gear and the plan was a quick tidy up, stick in a 2.8, a set of wheels and bobs your uncle...... If only life was that simple.......  

There is a bit of catching up to do to get it all up to speed so I will try to add a bit at a time with pics, hopefully in some sort of logical order and Rob can add pictures of his magic in metal bending and the Mig.

more to follow.


bloody hell rob you really much like removing rust, and frank best of luck with the project, with rob on board it's sure to be a goodun


will be cool when dun

whats it doing on my ramp tho lol


How the heck is the front staying on


i had one so bad at the front you had to park it with one front wheel on the kerb so the panel gaps closed up round the wing, bonnet and scuttle panel.

Ron Fouler

Now, having seen that, I wonder why Nick scrapped that 4x4 saff; that is UGLY! Good luck in the resto, but it looks like a big job to me.


Right the Rusts Wars has started  

Not a good start, the off side front cross member mounting rubber mount has not been doing a lot

This is what the Off Side should look like

So repair under way


("So repair under way")

Rob is off and running and hopefully not too many more surprises lurking in there.

I have attached a couple of pictures as how it looked 3 short weeks ago when I pulled out the engine and box.
[attachment=1]  [attachment=2]

I did not look really bad there was work needed at the back of the cab, the chassis and the inner wings and floor corners were a bit crumbly. It was only after Rob pulled the wings of and really got into the rest of the truck that it became clear that there was some serious rust and some horrible bodging that had happened some time in the P100's previous life.

However in the last 6 months or so I have been gathering all the parts and putting the engine together, which is almost ready to drop in when the  welding is complete. Being a miser I have bought almost everything on ebay with the exception of some seals and stuff that I could not get on ebay otherwise it has all been NOS at good prices.

The engine is a 2.8 EFI  which was selected purely by chance, it was the first 2.8 engine that was cheap (£42.00) and local. Howeverwhen I stripped it  it was completely cooked, so I bought another EFI for £27.00 this one is in great shape and has had a very recent rebore and crank regrind. I then bought a complete Granada Scorpio for £100, which I stripped in the guys back garden and only took what I wanted, which was a real result. From that I only really wanted the engine wiring loom, the ECU, all the EFI kit, the air box and the alloy rockers covers, I also took the 15" 5 stud alloy.

Some of you may remember my posts on interford a while back? I think it may have been madoldbugger?? that pointed out that they were worth something. So I sold 2 sets of rocker covers on ebay, one set made and amazing £123.00 and the others £87.00. So two full engines, three sets of EFI kit, the wiring, ECU, alloys etc cost me nothing and I was £41.00 in profit, now that's what I like  

I'll post some pictures of the engine tonight.



Right, 1 job off the list

On to the other side which looked better until i cut out old repair and found it as rusty as hell on the inside so what looked good

was in fact not much better then the first one after knocking out all the rust from the inside of the channel

Battery went flat after that one, more pic's tomorrow.


As Rob works on killing the rust, I will post some stuff on the engine and the other stuff that I have ready for the truck when its fully fit again.  

I was told by the seller that the engine that I'm using was heard running, quiet with no smoke, (but so was the first one that was total cooked with nothing left of the big ends!!!   ) However I stripped it and popped the bigend caps and they were reground and like new, similarly it had +60th pistons and still had crosshatching in the bores and only a bit of soot on the piston tops like it had been started for only a few minutes and it's got compression. Being a cynic so I was a bit wary that everything looked fine, but everything checks okay so I'm sure that there will be no big surprises.
So I just cleaned and checked everything reassembled the engine with new gaskets, seals, waterpump and thermostat. I also pulled the injectors checked them and replaced with new seal and clips. Cos I had 3 sets of EFI kit I just picked the best of each, with the sensors, injectors and actuators etc, I either stuck a voltage across them and listened/watched  them working or with the sensors I checked the resistance against another one.
Here are some pics of the engine

[attachment=1] [attachment=2] [attachment=3] [attachment=3]

I still have to clean the rocker covers and I will probably dump the huge pulley which was off an AC car and replace it with the pulley off the 2.3. I have a scorpio fan assembly, but I'll probably get the engine running with the viscous fan again off the 2.3. Lastly I has to swap the big engine mounting brackets for little spindly pinto type ones to suit the cortina type mounts.





Here is some of the stuff that I have been buying on ebay of the last few months, they are mostly from end parts and engine condumables. Ball joints, filters, pumps, plugs, leads, bushes etc. I have also been keeping a list of what everuything cost and I may publish it when it's finished, unless I sh*t myself when I add it all up.

[attachment=1] [attachment=2]

I also have a couple of more interesting parts that I came across, 2" lower cortina springs, (in the first box of bits), a luvverly alloy swirl pot and a 2 branch manifold.

I bought the manifold cos in my head it seemed like a good idea? The logic was as the 2 port heads do have breathing problems and then they have the sharp bend in the manifold anything to smooth the flow whould help? Has anyone out there ever used a pair of these and do they make a difference?




bloody hell rob, what is it with you and being a genius with welding etc


with Rob continuing with the welding I have started to catch up on little jobs on the engine, got time this weekend to clean up the rocker covers, it took a few hours. Degrease, nitromors to remove the paint and lacquer, then wire brush to get rid of the oxidisation and finally finish with wet and dry. I then sprayed them with 500 degree alloy paint. They came up pretty well.

[attachment=1] [attachment=2] [attachment=3]

However I think that the paint may be easily marked with oily finger prints etc. I would like to apply a clear lacquer or clear coat of some type to protect them. The best I can find is okay to 150 degrees. Does anyone know if this will be enough or is there a higher temperature coating available??

After a chat with Rob I'm going to pull the heads back off to open out the exhaust ports to match the two branch manifold,  or at least to the gasket, which has a diameter at least 2mm more then the port. I'm probably going to paint the block and heads

It also turn out that the viscous fan on the old 2.3 has a different thread to those on the 2.8, anyone got a 2.8 viscous fan assembly? Ta..



i would have got the rocker covers powder coated silver if i were you!  


Quote from: Smash
i would have got the rocker covers powder coated silver if i were you!  

I had thought about that but it the best quote that I could get was £80, which seemed pretty steep. What sort fo price should I expect to pay?


wouldnt it have been a good idea to get the front end blasted before  the welding ?
just a thought

taps u need to watch the fumes of that galv plate as they use cyanide to galve it


Quote from: steve
taps u need to watch the fumes of that galv plate as they use cyanide to galve it

Yeah Steve I know.

Right.  Passenger side

this was mostly held in place with filler


Taps would you not be quicker to build a complete new shell from scratch


Ratty, thought I was  


nice work rob, hope your keeping templates from this so you can offer complete new shells next year


Yea, Rob is doing a cracker of a job, should easily get another 25 years out of it..... probably out live me!!  

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