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glyn's xr4i project

Started by glyn, June 12, 2006, 22:01:09

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Stripped all the front end.grannie lower arms the same exept for bush size on crossmember side larger,but seen as Im using granie cross/m i'll be ok.snapped  the 2 pinch bolts on stub axle to shocks had to drill and tap them out,pics tonight,for a quick fix i,m pondering still which gr box to use,do i leave the 4i in until it goes,decisions?got koni set up ready to go back.Discovered 2 holes in rear end not major but I will grind them out and but some pics up,you can the judge me on me welding...its better than me spelling...I'm now goin to make another frame for the front...discovered one noisy wheel brg on front,quite a rumble I got 2 granie sets I,ll have to see if theyr the same.The engine thats coming out aint done a lot and runs as sweet as a i hope the 24v ends up the same..Boys and their toys yea...thats my today so far had a day off to go to the dentist but they canceled so stayed tonight....glyn


Suspension sand blasted and painted

radiator with extra fan

brocken bolts drilled and tapped

found another hole

she's off her wheels



hello glyn!

Looks very nice your car! Good luck with the conversion to 24v. I'm gonna watch the progress of your car in this forum.



Quote from: william
hello glyn!

Looks very nice your car! Good luck with the conversion to 24v. I'm gonna watch the progress of your car in this forum.


thanks William sorting all suspension first then I'll complete the engine rebuild..put some more pics up...I,m not to clever at that run out of space,perhaps me pics are to big?


Quote from: glyn
thanks William sorting all suspension first then I'll complete the engine rebuild..put some more pics up...I,m not to clever at that run out of space,perhaps me pics are to big?

Glyn, your prob do better with pic's using a photobucket account, attachment space here your using is limited. You also find pics taken at 640x480 size  are better for posting pic's on the internet.



Your really on a roll, getting a ton of work done, I'm feeling guilty about the lack of work I've done since I got the truck back from Taps. (The missus' fault, I've been fitting and tiling a bathroom for 3 weeks now and still got a away to go  

What paint are you using on your suspension parts?


Quote from: frank4

Your really on a roll, getting a ton of work done, I'm feeling guilty about the lack of work I've done since I got the truck back from Taps. (The missus' fault, I've been fitting and tiling a bathroom for 3 weeks now and still got a away to go  

What paint are you using on your suspension parts?

Frank mate,ive been bathing in tin tub got to get priorities right here,paint undercoat red oxide,then jenolite brush engine out tonight literaly fell out,slipped of help tonight smashed and buckeled the tin plate,,does this go back on chaps,if so i'll av to straighten it...glyn


got on well tonight she's flying on her side



hello glyn

keep up the good work!  



Quote from: william
hello glyn

keep up the good work!  

cheers William rolled the car right on its side,started cutting some patches not many needed,got all rear end ready to put back.panel gaurded all the rear end,take some more picies tomorrow roller works great Iused to use one when I used to renovate moggies...glyn


hello glyn

That roller is a nice system! i've got to jack the car up to get to the bottom.

good luck with the conversion!



Quote from: william
hello glyn

That roller is a nice system! i've got to jack the car up to get to the bottom.

good luck with the conversion!

Ive competed welding on back of car drivers side,got 5 pistons in engine,put pics up tomorrow night  last piston to fit with new rings .Ill be fitting crank back weekend,new pump and shells on the way from S.M got a new welding mask brilliant can see when i,m welding.i had one in  work but kept forgeting to take it back...glyn


some engine pics



gettin rings.bigend and mains ,new oilpump next pics my new helper Sophie-lee 106 as in pug



You will soon be M.O.Ting it at this rate boyo  


Quote from: Dave
You will soon be M.O.Ting it at this rate boyo  

It's probably already got one    
IBA   15631


Quote from: Chris
It's probably already got one    ;)no it has run out and I made sure it was sorned.u can check on line yourself when sorn expires ect  .completing bottom end tonight,got to bring sealer home for last main bearing thats why that one is left off.It will probably pass mot,I,m not allowed in work to do me own,thats our policy  ...glyn


Just pulling you leg...

What is a sorn?

IBA   15631


Quote from: Chris
Just pulling you leg...

What is a sorn?

statuary off road notice if you dont complete the declaration u get a fine through the post..nasty..regards gly


Quote from: glyn
statuary off road notice if you dont complete the declaration u get a fine through the post..nasty..regards gly

Thanks for the info.

Sounds more like a police state than ever...

Glad my Sierra and Yamaha are over here, if I don't register it, I don't have to do anything, I just can't use it on the road...  no big deal.

IBA   15631


Quote from: Chris
Thanks for the info.

Sounds more like a police state than ever...

Glad my Sierra and Yamaha are over here, if I don't register it, I don't have to do anything, I just can't use it on the road...  no big deal.

Tony knows about sorn he started a thread a while ago after recieving his £40 penalty  its gone bad m8 ur better off where u are..glyn

Quote from: glyn
Tony knows about sorn he started a thread a while ago after recieving his £40 penalty  its gone bad m8 ur better off where u are..glyn
wat gasket sealer do I use on end main bearing chaps..would it be instant gasket type? thanx glynend cap as second pi



Quote from: glyn
Tony knows about sorn he started a thread a while ago after recieving his £40 penalty  its gone bad m8 ur better off where u are..glyn
wat gasket sealer do I use on end main bearing chaps..would it be instant gasket type? thanx glynend cap as second pi

Are you talking about when you put the sump on?, if so I would use Yamabond 4 which is an incredible non-hardening joint compound, but if you don't have any, then Hylomar Blue is an excellent sealer, don't be tempted to use any Silicone RTV stuff.

IBA   15631


Quote from: Chris
Are you talking about when you put the sump on?, if so I would use Yamabond 4 which is an incredible non-hardening joint compound, but if you don't have any, then Hylomar Blue is an excellent sealer, don't be tempted to use any Silicone RTV stuff.
no Chris you have to coat the edge of the end main bearing cap with a sealant..glyn


Quote from: glyn
no Chris you have to coat the edge of the end main bearing cap with a sealant..glyn

After looking at it again, I see what you mean...

I would use the same stuff.... but don't overdo it  

IBA   15631


Quote from: Chris
After looking at it again, I see what you mean...

I would use the same stuff.... but don't overdo it  

cheers m8e..glyn now i got the hang of photos i'll go mad look out


Quote from: glyn
cheers William rolled the car right on its side,started cutting some patches not many needed,got all rear end ready to put back.panel gaurded all the rear end,take some more picies tomorrow roller works great Iused to use one when I used to renovate moggies...glyn
Few more jobs done on engine today bob cams ready for one head new chain and tensioers in place wether it will go again remains to be seen and heard...glyn



Quote from: glyn
Few more jobs done on engine today bob cams ready for one head new chain and tensioers in place wether it will go again remains to be seen and heard...glyn
completed my welding today,cut out the hole by the water bottle weded a plate in,ground off and filled here as it is in view,got a liitle problem got a rooling road day end of Nov I,ll av to take time off..he he  .what gearbox what clutch oh decicions.i,ve got an auto box and a typy 9 so it will have to be type 9 for now..



Coming on Glyn

When you want to make a post thats not a quote of some one else use the reply button at bottom of page not the reply button at the bottom of the last post, that way ya wont qoute your self like above and I wont have to keep editing them  


Quote from: Taps
Coming on Glyn

When you want to make a post thats not a quote of some one else use the reply button at bottom of page not the reply button at the bottom of the last post, that way ya wont qoute your self like above and I wont have to keep editing them  
Sorry Tagps boyo us taffs not that bright u now we glimmer but dont glow..hehe got to kep u u actualy edit them,and keep a beedi eye over everyone?I need a bit of help,I'll do a post..glyn

just testing i'm gowing to put a pic up of what i think is a suppresor in a minute got to load me pic first ill come back here..glyn



Quote from: glyn
do u actualy edit them,and keep a beedi eye over everyone?

Yes m8, well only yours everyone else dont do the same as you  

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